[AgMIP] Submit an Abstract: AGU Fall Meeting Session ID#: 9805 New Data and Methods for Understanding Agricultural Decision-Makingand Adaptation to Climate Variability

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Tue Jun 16 13:52:42 BRT 2015

pls publicize - thanks, Amor


Session ID#: 9805
Session Description:
Climate variability challenges agricultural production, particularly in developing countries. Agricultural resilience requires understanding the impacts of climate variability AND the dynamics of farmer adaptation.  Seasonal climate forecasting allows models to predict yields and to explore adaptation strategies, but the challenge lies in translating low-to-moderate skill climate information into useful information for farmers. How will farmers use that information, and how will agro-ecological and socio-economic contexts affect decisions under climate variability?  Can in-situ data and remote sensing (UAV, satellite), improve the quality of information on agro-ecological impacts? How do agent-based models and other tools combine with these bio-physical tools to understand the dynamics of farmer adaptation? We seek conceptual, evidence-based research, and case studies on: 1) linking multi-scale climate and RS/environmental information to improve decision support in agriculture; 2) characterizing climate variability and its agro-ecological impacts, 3) how farmer adaptation varies across systems; and 4) attributing farmer decisions to climate variability.

Primary Convener:  Lyndon D Estes, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States
Conveners:  Amor V M Ines, Michigan State University, Departments of Plant, Soil and Micriobial Sciences, and Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, East Lansing, MI, United States, Kiyoshi Honda, Chubu University, Kasugai, Japan and Kelly K Caylor, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States
Index Terms:

1616 Climate variability [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1630 Impacts of global change [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1910 Data assimilation, integration and fusion [INFORMATICS]
1918 Decision analysis [INFORMATICS]

    A - Atmospheric Sciences
    H - Hydrology
    IN - Earth and Space Science Informatics
    SI - Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences

Amor VM Ines, Ph.D. 
Adjunct Research Scientist
Agricultural Modeling, RS & Agriculture Group
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
The Earth Institute at Columbia University, NY

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