[AgMIP] PhD scholarship opportunities in irrigated cropping systems
and livestock production systems under climate change
agmip at lists.agmip.org
agmip at lists.agmip.org
Tue Jul 30 17:21:22 BRT 2019
Dear Colleagues,
The Systems Modelling Team at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture invite=
s applications for two PhD positions:
The first is a project on Optimising whole farm economic returns for irriga=
ted grain crops. The successful PhD candidate will conduct social research =
and modelling on a variety of irrigated cropping systems in Australia, from=
the Murray-Darling Basin to the Lower Limestone Coast in SA and to the Mid=
lands in Tasmania. Using a participatory process, the candidate will work w=
ith a team of experienced researchers, and will be involved in farmer surve=
ys and extension of project results with grower groups. The project will de=
velop an economic calculator or similar, enabling whole-farm sensitivity an=
alysis and taking into consideration factors including (but not limited to)=
price of water, irrigation layout, variable input costs and grain price to=
optimise farm scale returns from allocating available irrigation water to =
alternative crops. Additional information on the project can be found here:=
The second project deals with the nexus between profitability, productivity=
, greenhouse gas mitigation and carbon sequestration of livestock businesse=
s under climate change. The project will explore the nexus between profitab=
ility, sheep and beef productivity, greenhouse gas mitigation and carbon se=
questration of livestock businesses in an increasingly variable climate. Th=
e candidate will be required to conduct an integrated assessment including =
farm case studies in regions of Tasmania, including the Midlands and King I=
sland. The study will identify farming systems adaptations that are profita=
ble, environmentally sustainable and targeted towards future market opportu=
nities. Information on the project can be found here: https://secure.utas.e=
In both cases, the successful candidate must have an Honours Class 1 or equ=
ivalent, and IELTS score of 6.5 or greater. Each project comes with a Commo=
nwealth RTP scholarship valued at approximately $27,500 AUD/year (tax free)=
for 3.5 years.
Questions may be directed to:
Dr Matthew Harrison
Senior Research Fellow
Tasmanian Institute for Agriculture, University of Tasmania
Matthew.harrison at utas.edu.au<mailto:Matthew.harrison at utas.edu.au>
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