[AgMIP] FW: Abstract submission deadline: 17 October 2016

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Wed Sep 28 12:44:19 BRT 2016

Please see the below announcement of the 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change=
 Conference (March, 2017), which is likely to be of interest to many in the=
 AgMIP community.

    Best regards,

Dr. Alex C. Ruane
Research Physical Scientist, Climate Impacts Group, NASA GISS
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
+001 212-678-5640
alexander.c.ruane at nasa.gov
From: 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference [conferences at mail.elsev=
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 10:46 AM
Subject: Abstract submission deadline: 17 October 2016

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Abstract deadline approaching: 17 October 2016<http://www.medlist.co/inters=
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[Current Opinion in Plant Biology]<http://www.medlist.co/interspire/link.ph=

Reminder: 17 October 2016 is the abstract submission deadline for oral and =
poster presentations for the 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference:=
 Climate ready resource use-efficient crops to sustain food and nutritional=

Submit your abstract here ><http://www.medlist.co/interspire/link.php?M=3D2=

The 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference will focus on the likely =
impact of climate change on crop production and explore approaches to maint=
ain and increase crop productivity into the future.

Plenary Speaker:
Bruce Campbell, CGIAR ((CIAT-CCAFS), Denmark

Keynote Speakers:
Hannes Dempewolf, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Germany
Jessica Fanzo, Johns Hopkins University, USA
George A. Kowalchuk, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Martin A.J. Parry, Lancaster University, UK
Wayne Powell, CGIAR Consortium, France
Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA
Johan Uddling, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Paul C. West, University of Minnesota, USA

View the preliminary oral programme ><http://www.medlist.co/interspire/link=


Call for Abstracts
Submit abstracts by 17 October 2016

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited on the below confer=
ence topics and should be submitted using the online abstract submission sy=


  *   Increased agricultural uncertainty
  *   Modelling and its application
  *   Abiotic stress
  *   Effects of CO2 on plant growth
  *   Impacts on nutrition, quality and resource use efficiency
  *   Plant-microbe interactions
  *   Innovative agronomic and breeding practices
  *   New crops for a new climate

Submit your abstract ><http://www.medlist.co/interspire/link.php?M=3D272275=

Special Issue

Selected Speakers will be invited to extend their presentation into a revie=
w and submit it to Current Opinion in Plant Biology<http://www.medlist.co/i=
nterspire/link.php?M=3D27227592&N=3D10596&L=3D7030&F=3DH>. When all invited=
 papers have been published, a Virtual Special Issue will be created collec=
ting all papers from the conference.

A virtual special issue with selected articles from the Agriculture and Cli=
mate Change Conference 2015 is freely available online until 6 March 2017. =
Click here.<http://www.medlist.co/interspire/link.php?M=3D27227592&N=3D1059=

For further information on the conference and to sign up for email updates,=

Important Dates

17 October 2016
Abstract Submission Deadline

20 January 2017
Early Bird Registration Deadline

Conference Chairs

David Edwards (Chair)
University of Western Australia, Australia

Rodomiro Ortiz (Co-Chair)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Jos=E9 Luis Araus Ortega (Co-Chair)
University of Barcelona, Spain

Scientific Advisory Committee

Senthold Asseng
University of Florida, USA

Molly Brown
University of Maryland, USA

Robin Buell
Michigan State University, USA

Robert Henry
University of Queensland, Australia

Andrew Paterson
University of Georgia, USA

Andrew Sharpe
National Research Council, Canada

Kadambot Siddique
University of Western Australia, Australia

Rob Snowdon
Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

Clare Stirling
CIMMYT, Mexico

Mark Tester
KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Michael Udvardi
Noble Foundation, USA

Rajeev Varshney

Liming Ye
Joint Laboratory of Global Change and Food Security, CAAS, China

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