[AgMIP] Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling Position

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Mon Nov 14 13:07:55 BRST 2016

Hi All,

Please see below for a message from Alan Wervick about a position at the Un=
iversity of Copenhagen:


URL: http://employment.ku.dk/faculty/?show=3D867157
Associate Professor of Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling (211-0454)

Associate Professor of Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences invites applications for an =
associate professor position within the field of Agrohydrology and Biophysi=
cal Modelling from 1 May 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job description
The associate professor will be part of the Agrohydrology research group at=
 the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Un=
iversity of Copenhagen. The associate professor=B4s main tasks will be to c=
onduct research, including scientific publication and communication, within=
 the field of soil physics and soil-plant-atmosphere processes, to perform =
research-based teaching, and to participate in examinations. Focus is on qu=
antification of processes and biophysical mechanistic modelling.

The successful applicant will have scientific qualifications within modelli=
ng of one or more of the following areas:

  *   The vertical and lateral transport of water, solutes (not least nutri=
ents and pesticides) and particles.
  *   The effect of tillage on soil hydraulics and transport properties.
  *   Effects of soil biological, chemical and physical properties and proc=
esses on soil structure and transport processes.
  *   Interactions between plant growth, soil physical processes, and water=
 and solute dynamics in the soil (including climate change aspects).
  *   Gas exchange between the soil/canopy system and the atmosphere (in pa=
rticular CO2 and water) and coupling and feedbacks between soil and atmosph=
eric processes.

The Agrohydrology group is responsible for the soil-plant-atmosphere-model =
=93DAISY=94, and an important task for the associate professor will be to c=
oordinate and support the maintenance and further development of this model=
, as well as its use in research and in the public domain. This has to be d=
one in cooperation with relevant researchers in related fields within and o=
utside the Department. Hence, it is a requirement that the applicant has de=
monstrated ability in the quantification and mathematical modelling of soil=
-plant-atmosphere processes.

The vision of PLEN is to provide solutions for future challenges such as fe=
eding an increasing human population while climate change and pollution thr=
eaten to reduce the available land. The nine sections of the department for=
m the basis for cross-disciplinary research activities that will produce a =
better understanding of basic molecular processes and ecological functions =
of organisms and the role of these organisms within their ecosystems. Funda=
mental studies of plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, and the i=
nterplay between soil, water and pollutants in the environment, form the co=
re platform for the development of sustainable biological production system=
s and support human activities that will ensure a stable and secure environ=
ment. The Agrohydrology research group has an impressive track record in th=
e field of preferential transport and modelling of water, carbon, nitrogen =
and pesticide dynamics. Ongoing work includes the dynamics in imperfectly d=
rained soils and effects of tillage on hydraulic properties of soil. The br=
oad expertise available at the department provides possibilities for future=
 developments in several fields, for example dissolved organic carbon, phos=
phorus dynamics in plant and soil, transport and transformations of several=
 other compounds or microorganisms. At the same time, it should be attempte=
d to move technologies closer to practical use through emphasis on data ass=
imilation and use of models in decision support.

The associate professor is also expected to participate in knowledge exchan=
ge with society, to lead a research area, to participate in Faculty of Scie=
nces=B4 innovation program, and to provide guidance of students at BSc, MSc=
 and PhD levels.

Applicants are required to have university level teaching experience, docum=
ented teaching competencies and must be able to explain and reflect upon ow=
n teaching practice and portfolio. Formal pedagogical training or supervisi=
on equivalent to the University of Copenhagen teacher training programme fo=
r assistant professors is required.

Duties include the applicant=92s own research, development of the field, as=
sessment tasks, grant applications, and research management such as supervi=
sion and training of research fellows and other staff. The successful appli=
cant must also teach, supervise, prepare and participate in examinations, a=
nd fulfill other tasks requested by the Department.

Qualification requirements
Emphasis will be laid on the following professional and personal qualificat=

  *   Documentation of a high degree of original scientific production at a=
n international level.
  *   Documented research qualifications in relation to the above-mentioned=
  *   Documented teaching qualifications.
  *   Experience in research management or other managerial functions.
  *   Fluency in English.
  *   Furthermore, the successful applicant is expected to be enterprising =
and possess the cooperative and managerial skills necessary for projects an=
d teaching activities, for which he/she will be responsible.

Assessment of applicants will primarily consider their level of documented,=
 original scientific production at an international level, including contri=
butions to developments in their field, as well as their documented teachin=
g qualifications. Managerial and out-reach qualifications of applicants inc=
luding ability to attract external funding will be considered as well.

Online available is information on the department http://plen.ku.dk/english=
/ and the research group of Agrohydrology: http://plen.ku.dk/english/resear=

Inquiries about the position can be made to Head of the Department Svend Ch=
ristensen (svc at plen.ku.dk<mailto:svc at plen.ku.dk>) or Head of Section Bjarne=
 W. Strobel (bjwe at plen.ku.dk<mailto:bjwe at plen.ku.dk>).

The position is open from 1 May 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The University wishes the staff to reflect the diversity of the society and=
 thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of gen=
der and personal background.

Terms of employment
The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Sta=

Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Minist=
ry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on =
Academics in the State.

Commencing salary is currently for Assoc. Professor =96 up to DKK 449,720 i=
ncluding annual supplement (+ pension up to DKK 76,902). Negotiation for sa=
lary supplement is possible.

The application including all attachments must be in English and submitted =
electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include

  *   Curriculum vitae including information about external funding.
  *   Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent).
  *   Research plan and visions =96 description of current and future resea=
rch plans as well as visions for further development of agrohydrological mo=
  *   Description and documentation of teaching experience and qualificatio=
ns according to university guidelines<http://uddannelseskvalitet.ku.dk/qual=
  *   Complete list of publications.
  *   Separate reprints of 5 particularly relevant papers.

The deadline for applications is 2 January 2017, 23:59 GMT +1.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitme=
nt manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview=

You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk/facul=

Interviews/trial lectures will be held on 27 March 2017.

Please refer to the following no. in future communication in this case: 211=

APPLY NOW<https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Appl=

Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and amo=
ng Europe=92s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promot=
es research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tra=
dition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the o=
pportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environme=
nt. An effective organisation =96 with good working conditions and a collab=
orative work culture =96 creates the ideal framework for a successful acade=
mic career.


Med venlig hilsen/ Kind regards

Alan Wervick

+45 3318 7204


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