[AgMIP] FW: GS-9/11/12 Crop Assessment Specialist - USAJOBS VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (FAS DE 2016-0142)

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Tue Apr 26 13:38:13 BRT 2016


Please pass the word to your colleagues, associates and organizations that you feel might have a qualified candidate or two for our vacancy.  Below is the link to USAJOBS where our new GS-9/11/12 Crop Assessment Specialist position is posted (it opened today and will close on 5/9/2016):


All the Best,

Dath K. Mita, PhD
Office of Global Analysis, International Production Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service
United States Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20250
Tel: 202-720-7339; Cell: 202-341-5515

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