[AgMIP] post-doctoral modeling position with Land-Potential Knowledge System project

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Fri May 8 13:15:44 BRT 2015

A new postdoctoral position has opened with the Land-Potential Knowledge Sy=
stem project. This is an opportunity to work on crop modeling in the contex=
t of next generation decision support tools with USDA and USAID.


The Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS - landpotential.org) project w=
ill be hiring up to three new post-doctoral level scientists to work on inc=
reasing the ability to generate and share (using mobile apps) knowledge and=
 information necessary to sustainably increase production globally.

All 3 positions will be based at the USDA-ARS Research Unit @ the Jornada o=
n the NMSU campus in Las Cruces NM. There is some possibility that up to tw=
o of the positions could work remotely from Nairobi, Kenya or Boulder, Colo=

All 3 positions are supported by competitive salary and benefits.
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