[AgMIP] CMIP Request for variables of interest for Agricultural Impacts

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Wed Jun 3 23:00:16 BRT 2015

Hi All,

You may recall that a couple months ago we circulated a request for agricultural modeling perspectives on variables of interest for the global climate model simulations conducted under the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6).  Through interaction with the CMIP6 committee we have now formalized and reinforced this line of communication through the creation of a Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation, and Climate Services Advisory Board (VIACS AB) for CMIP6 whose members help bridge communication gaps between the climate modeling and impacts modeling communities.  Through engagement with CMIP6 as well as leaders of their respective disciplinary experts, programs, and projects, the VIACS AB will help to ensure that the VIACS community is well equipped to support stakeholder policymaking, decisions, and investment.  I am serving as an inaugural co-chair of the VIACS AB as well as a representative for AgMIP, and several other members of the AgMIP community are also participating in some manner.  We encourage your participation and are eager for your input.

In the past months the CMIP6 modeling groups have continued to develop specific modeling experiments and are now in need of feedback as to the specific variables and experiments of interest to AgMIP and similar communities.  Please see the attached two documents for more information and a template by which you can provide input as the leading global climate modeling groups in CMIP6 set priority lists of variables and model simulation experiments. We would like to know which variables you are using for your work and whether additional variables would facilitate improved work in the future. Likewise, it would be helpful to know which experiments you anticipate will be of most use for your future work.  Find attached one document with more detailed instructions and an Excel template which I have already filled in with my initial impressions of AgMIP needs.  Please fill out this template or provide your own perspective to me by the 8th of June.  We will consolidate your feedback and forward it to the CMIP panel on June 10th, although we will continue to accept feedback for a second communication to CMIP on June 17th.
Please also feel free to forward this email to your colleagues, who might have additional input in response to this request (apologies for any cross-posts).  Please also share any questions, doubts, or ideas with me or Claas Teichmann (claas.teichmann at hzg.de; the other VIACS AB co-Chair).

      With thanks for your consideration,

Dr. Alex C. Ruane
Research Physical Scientist, Climate Impacts Group, NASA GISS
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
+001 212-678-5640
alexander.c.ruane at nasa.gov
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