[AgMIP] CIMSANS New Crop/Food Model Development Survey

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Fri Jul 24 11:52:25 BRT 2015

Hi all,

Please see the note and request below from Dave Gustafson (CIMSANS):

In September 2014, the CIMSANS Improved Modeling Workgroup partnered with AgMIP to host a workshop on “Improved Food System Sustainability Modeling” at Purdue University. Participants developed a series of specific proposal ideas they deemed worthy of funding. The workgroup continues to pursue one of the most urgent needs identified: to develop models for the many important crops and foods for which no simulation model currently exists. Such tools are needed to better inform adaptation responses to the increasing climate and resource impacts on yield and other important traits (e.g. nutritional quality) of these foods. The workgroup has developed a detailed assessment of the current landscape of available crop and food models. This assessment was used to develop the following survey, the results of which will be used to help document for target donors the importance of making such investments in improved climate adaptation modeling.
The survey should take 15 minutes or less to complete, and does not require specialized modeling expertise. It seeks feedback on which crops and foods are most in need of model development, and whether you are aware of any data available to help with model development. Many thanks in advance for your participation in this process, and please feel free to forward this to others in your organization. 

Dr. Alex C. Ruane
Research Physical Scientist, Climate Impacts Group, NASA GISS
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
+001 212-678-5640
alexander.c.ruane at nasa.gov

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