[AgMIP] DSSAT 2016 International Training Program

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Mon Dec 21 23:51:11 BRST 2015

The DSSAT Foundation, in collaboration with Washington State University, 
the University of Florida, the International Fertilizer Development 
Center, the University of Georgia, and various other institutions, will 
host an International Training Program on DSSAT entitled DSSAT 2016 - 
"Assessing Crop Production, Nutrient Management, Climatic Risk and 
Environmental Sustainability with Simulation Models" from May 16 through 
May 21, 2016 at the University of Georgia Campus in Griffin, Georgia, 
USA. The overall goal of the workshop is to familiarize the workshop 
participants with the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology 
Transfer (DSSAT) and the Cropping System Model (CSM) for the simulation 
of crop growth and yield, soil and plant water, nutrient, and carbon 
dynamics, and the application of models to real world problems, such as 
crop and resource management, climate change and climate variability, 
carbon sequestration, food security, biofuels, and environmental 

For further information, please visit the DSSAT Foundation web site at 
www.dssat.net or the workshop registration web site at 


Gerrit Hoogenboom
Director, AgWeatherNet, and
Professor of Agrometeorology

Washington State University
24106 North Bunn Road
Prosser, Washington  99350-8694, USA
1-509-786-9371; Fax: 1-509-786-9370
gerrit.hoogenboom at wsu.edu

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