[AgMIP] Vacancy Production Ecology and Crop Growth Modelling -
Wageningen University
agmip at lists.agmip.org
agmip at lists.agmip.org
Wed Apr 1 11:39:37 BRT 2015
Dear colleague,
We have a vacancy at Wageningen University: Researcher Production Ecology and Crop Growth Modelling.
Feel free to disseminate in your network.
Applications are welcome until April 20.
Happy Easter!
Prof. Dr.ir. Martin K. van Ittersum
Wageningen University
Plant Production Systems
The 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security will be held from October 11-14, 2015 in Ithaca New York: http://www.globalfoodsecurityconference.com/
The 5th International Farming Systems Design Symposium will be held from September 7-10, 2015 in Montpellier (France): http://fsd5.european-agronomy.org/
Visiting address:
Building no. 107
Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen
Postal address:
P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)317 482141/2382
fax: +31 (0)317 484892
e-mail office.pp at wur.nl
Plant Production Systems Group:
Wageningen Centre for Agro-ecology and Systems Analysis
Global Yield Gap Atlas
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