[AgMIP] AgMIP Newsletter Summer 2014

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Thu Sep 18 13:31:59 BRT 2014

AgMIP News and Updates	Email not displaying correctly? View it in your brow=


News =

Summer 2014

5th Global Workshop, Feb 25-28, 2015
University of Florida, Gainesville


The 5th AgMIP Global Workshop will be held at the University of Florida in =
Gainesville, FL starting on the afternoon of February 25th and concluding m=
idday of February 28th, 2015.

The Workshop will provide an opportunity to share progress, new understandi=
ng, and lessons learned in AgMIP=92s numerous research activities. Particip=
ation of AgMIP=92s broad diversity of partners facilitates sharing of impor=
tant results, advancement of initiatives underway, development of new colla=
borative research activities, and dialog and planning for AgMIP coordinated=
 global and regional climate impact assessments in support of the IPCC 6th =
Assessment Report (AR6) and other major community initiatives.

Click here for travel and hotel information.


Agriculture Under Threat
The agricultural sector today is facing the daunting challenges of adapting=
 to increasing impacts from climate change while minimizing greenhouse gas =
emissions and meeting ever-growing food demand. Crop-producing regions will=
 be required to respond to these issues in the coming decades and their abi=
lity to do so will potentially affect all of humanity =96 even those living=
 in highly urbanized areas. To put things into perspective, according to th=
e United Nations, food demand is predicted to double by 2030.
In response to these concerns Nature Climate Change recently published a we=
b focus collection =93A new climate for farming=94.


AgMIP OnLine
AgMIP responds to President's call for action

GEOCLAM-AgMIP joint workshop planned

Bioenergy-Crop Model Initiative registration now open!

New paper reviews simulations of household models

AgMIP =96 CCAFS team up to investigate index insurance in Senegal

Are increasing levels of CO2 causing hidden hunger?

Upcoming Events


AgMIP coordination is located at the Columbia University Earth Institute Ce=
nter for Climate Systems Research, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025 USA ph=
one +1.212.678.5563 | email info at agmip.org

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