[AgMIP] Crop Modeller vacancy at the James Hutton Institute, Scotland

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Mon Sep 30 12:48:25 BRT 2013

Dear AgMIP Colleagues,

The James Hutton Institute (http://www.hutton.ac.uk/ ) has a vacancy for an=
 experienced Crop Modeller. Could you please circulate the information belo=
w to your colleagues and networks?

We are seeking an experienced Crop Modeller to contribute to our global foo=
d security and environmental sustainability research agenda. Working with e=
xperimental scientists, you will focus on modelling interactions between cr=
op genetics, physiology, phenotypic traits and the environment, and evaluat=
e crop characteristics and management practices that enhance resource use e=
fficiency and reduce risks associated with climate change.

You should have a PhD directly relevant to simulating biological systems an=
d demonstrable experience in modelling agricultural systems at a range of s=
patial scales. Expertise in spatial analysis would be highly advantageous. =
You should also have experience in working and communicating with experimen=
tal scientists and others from various disciplines. Salary range =A327,792 =
- =A329,566 (Band D) or =A335,282 - =A337,534 (Band E)
For appointment at the higher salary grade, a track record of high quality =
scientific publications in this area, evidence of grant-winning ability, an=
d demonstration of international collaboration is required.

This post can be based in either Aberdeen or Dundee; there may be a require=
ment to travel between sites.

Full details can be found at: http://www.hutton.ac.uk/careers/crop-modeller=
Closing date for applications is the 3rd November.

For further details please contact:
HR Office, The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA or vaca=
ncies at hutton.ac.uk<mailto:vacancies at hutton.ac.uk?subject=3DVacancy%20ref.%2=


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The James Hutton Institute is a Scottish charitable company limited by guar=

Registered in Scotland No. SC374831

Registered Office: The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie Dundee DD2 5DA. =

Charity No. SC041796
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