[AgMIP] Call for Abstracts AGU 2013: GC015. Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Wed Jul 17 21:29:10 BRT 2013

Dear all,

Please consider the following session for abstract submission in AGU
Fall Assembly, 2013.

GC015. Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water
Resources and Agriculture


Global and regional food and water security is essential for human
well-being. Global and regional changes related to water resources and
agriculture will affect food and fresh water security. This session
focuses on the major drivers of changes in water resources and
agriculture. We encourage submissions on: (i) new approaches for
prediction, modeling, and analysis of changes in water resources and
their linkage with agriculture, (ii) observations and projections
indicating changes in water resources, (iii) implications of
hydroclimatic changes on agriculture, and (iv) techniques to quantify
the impacts of climate variability and change on agricultural
production and water resources.


    Vimal Mishra
    Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
    vmishra at iitgn.ac.in
    Chris Funk
    chris at geog.ucsb.edu
    Naota Hanasaki
    Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
    hanasaki at nies.go.jp


Vimal Mishra
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Phone- 206-661-8562

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