[AgMIP] FW: Announcement: 42nd Biological Systems Simulation Modeling Group Conference

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Wed Jan 23 23:24:15 BRST 2013

Crop Modelers:

I hope you will plan to come to the 42nd Biological Systems Simulation Grou=
p Conference to be held at Penn State University on April 23-25, 2013.  Ple=
ase save the date. Additional information relative to registration and subm=
ission of volunteer presentations will be coming soon.

Best regards,

Ken Boote


From: Biological Systems Simulation [BSSG at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] on behalf of Ar=
men Kemanian [kxa15 at PSU.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:36 PM
Subject: Announcement: 42nd Biological Systems Simulation Modeling Group Co=

Dear members and friends of the Biological Systems Simulation Modeling Grou=

This is a Save the Date message to announce the 42nd Biological Systems Sim=
ulation Group Conference to be held at the Penn State University Campus in =
State College, PA on 23 =96 25 of April, 2013.

The meeting will focus on the interactive effect on plant growth of atmosph=
eric carbon dioxide, temperature, and water availability.  Simulation model=
s play a critical role in helping to understand and manage the effects of c=
limate change and climate variability.  In this meeting we seek to join exi=
sting data sets and modeling approaches for different crops and evaluate st=
rengths, weaknesses and knowledge gaps that limit our ability to predict th=
e impact of these three factors on plant growth.  This meeting will be coor=
dinated with existing regional and global modeling efforts such as the Agri=
cultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP).  We expect =
a high level of interaction and collaboration among scientists participatin=
g in different projects.

The meeting format will be that of a workshop, with invited presentations a=
nd working sessions, along with volunteered posters and a selection of oral=
 presentations from among the volunteered oral topics.  Invited presentatio=
ns will be led by invited speakers who are leaders in their corresponding d=
isciplines.  The names of the speakers along with other details will be ann=
ounced with the release of the meeting brochure and web page.  You will rec=
eive a second announcement soon that includes advice on how to submit title=
s and abstracts for volunteered talks and posters.

The meeting will be held at the Nittany Lion Inn, where a block of rooms ha=
s been reserved for the meeting participants.  The University Park Airport =
(SCE, 4 miles from the Nitanny Lion Inn) has connecting flights to Washingt=
on DC (IAD), Philadelphia (PHL), Detroit (DTW) and Baltimore (BWI).  Travel=
ers can also fly to these airports and rent a car to drive to State College=
 (3 to 4 hour drive).

We expect to see you at the beautiful campus of Penn State this spring!

Best regards,

Organizing Committee Members
Armen R. Kemanian
Kenneth J. Boote
Dennis J. Timlin

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