[AgMIP] AgMIP Newsletter Nov-Dec

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Fri Dec 27 13:01:33 BRST 2013

AgMIP News and Updates	Email not displaying correctly? View it in your brow=


News =

Nov/Dec 2013

Hats off to the 4th Annual AgMIP Global Workshop!
 As the fine autumn weather continued in October, AgMIP held its annual Glo=
bal Workshop at Columbia University=92s Faculty House where Jeffrey Sachs, =
Director of the Earth Institute, AgMIP Steering Group Co-Chairs, and AgMIP =
Principal Investigators kicked off the 3-day workshop. Now available for do=
wnload on AgMIP website are workshop presentations, posters, work group rep=
orts and more.


New Predictions of Climate Change=92s Impact on Agriculture
Three new studies comparing multiple models in order to quantify the global=
 effects of climate change on major crops, freshwater availability and agri=
cultural economics have just been published in the Proceedings of the Natio=
nal Academy of Sciences. The research, coordinated by AgMIP as part of the =
ISI-MIP project, was featured in the Earth Institute State of the Planet Bl=


AgMIP OnLine
Latin America/ Carribean workshops in Peru and Brazil

East Asia AgMIP region kicks off with workshop in Beijing

Global Gridded Crop Model paper in PNAS

Freshwater deficits paper in PNAS

Economic effects of climate change on agriculture in PNAS

Stakeholders contribute to AgMIP research

Upcoming Events


AgMIP coordination is located at the Columbia University Earth Institute Ce=
nter for Climate Systems Research, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025 USA ph=
one +1.212.678.5563 | email info at agmip.org

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