[AgMIP] Re: Professor Herman van Keulen - obituary
agmip at lists.agmip.org
agmip at lists.agmip.org
Fri Dec 20 13:52:21 BRST 2013
Dear all,
I was working in Israel when Herman came to do his thesis work there =
(building the arid crop model, that added water stress to a herbage =
growth model). That was a long time ago, but I still have very enjoyable =
memories of the time we spent together. He was always enthousiastic and =
a pleasure to spend time with.
Daniel Wallach
Le 20/12/2013 11:52, John Roy Porter a =E9crit :
> Dear all
> Yes he is a sad loss - but he was a guy who ran at 160 km/hr in =
> everything. I remember being at a meeting with him in the USA when we =
> were discussing with the CERES people how to put bits of various =
> models together to make a 'super' model. He said -- 'you don't make a =
> Rolls Royce out of four broken down Fords!! In these days of AGMIP etc =
> we should remember these wise words.
> Best wishes
> John
> Professor John R Porter PhD DSc
> Climate and Food Security
> University of Copenhagen
> Chief Editor: The European Journal of Agronomy: =
> http://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-journal-of-agronomy/
> Coordinating Lead Author IPCC AR5 for Food Security: www.ipcc.ch =
> <http://www.ipcc.ch>
> Professor of Climate Change and Agriculture, NRI University of =
> Greenwich, UK: http://www.nri.org/
> Please note email has changed to jrp at plen.ku.dk <mailto:jrp at plen.ku.dk>
> *From:*Ittersum, Martin van [mailto:martin.vanittersum at wur.nl]
> *Sent:* 20. december 2013 10:29
> *To:* 'agmip at lists.agmip.org'; all at macsur.eu
> *Cc:* Ittersum, Martin van; Giller, Ken
> *Subject:* Professor Herman van Keulen - obituary
> Dear Colleagues,
> With sadness we write to inform you that Herman van Keulen passed away =
> on the 16th December. A short obituary is attached.
> Please pass this message on to colleagues, if appropriate.
> 2010_06120126
> With best wishes,
> Martin van Ittersum and Ken Giller
> Prof. Dr.ir. Martin K. van Ittersum
> Wageningen University
> Plant Production Systems
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> The First International Conference on Global Food Security, September =
> 29 -- October 2, 2013, was very successful. For keynote presentations =
> and further information please check:
> - see http://globalfoodsecurityconference.com/
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> Visiting address:
> Building no. 107
> Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen
> Postal address:
> P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen
> The Netherlands
> tel: +31 (0)317 482141/2382
> fax: +31 (0)317 484892
> e-mail office.pp at wur.nl <mailto:office.pp at wur.nl>
> websites:
> Plant Production Systems Group:
> http://www.pps.wur.nl/UK/
> Wageningen Centre for Agro-ecology and Systems Analysis
> http://www.wacasa.wur.nl <http://www.wacasa.wur.nl/>
> Global Yield Gap Atlas
> http://www.yieldgap.org <http://www.yieldgap.org/>
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