[AgMIP] sad news

agmip at lists.agmip.org agmip at lists.agmip.org
Thu Oct 20 05:59:47 BRST 2011

Dear Collegues

I wish to express the sadness and sorrow of the =

members of the Italian Society for Agronomy for =

the loss of our collegue Nadine Brisson.
We will remember Her as a wonderful person and =

brilliant researcher that provided a substantial =

contribution to the progress of agronomy at the international level.
Please pass our condolences to Her family and our =

sympathy to Her research team.

Pier Paolo Roggero
President, Italian Society for Agronomy

At 00.08 20/10/2011, agmip at lists.agmip.org wrote:
>The AgMIP leaders announce with sadness the =

>passing away of Nadine Brisson.  Nadine was the =

>leader of the AgMIP Maize Pilot Study and a dear =

>colleague.  Her brilliant mind and shining =

>spirit will be missed by us all.  We send =

>condolences to her family and colleagues in France and around the world.
>AgMIP mailing list
>AgMIP at lists.agmip.org

Pier Paolo Roggero
Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Genetica Vegetale Agraria
Universit=E0 degli Studi di Sassari
Via Enrico De Nicola
07100 Sassari  - Italy

email: pproggero at uniss.it
skype account: pproggero
Dipartimento: tel +39 079 229226 fax +39 079 229222
NRD: tel +39 079 2111016 - +39 079 218726 fax +39 079 217901
personal mobile: +39 333 6142033 office mobile: +39 328 0428058
Presidente della Societ=E0 Italiana di Agronomia - =

Italian Society for Agronomy www.siagr.org
Direttore del Nucleo di Ricerca sulla =

Desertificazione - Centro interdipartimentale =

dell'Universit=E0 degli Studi di Sassari www.uniss.it/nrd
Progetto PRIN ZVN www.uniss.it/zvn

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